Recently our neighboring island of Trinidad was impacted by an island wide power outage which occurred around 12:30 p.m. and lasted until approximately 12:30 a.m. which caused loss of supply to all customers.
Sadly, electricity was not the only thing that impacted citizens. Internet and access to data, persons not able to make phone calls saw the unintentional effect the outage had on citizens in addition to the water supply also being affected. The reality, citizens were left without two of the most essential utilities electricity and water.
Lessons learned:
- This event exposed the vulnerabilities on the electrical grid.
- Businesses were not prepared resulting in early closures.
- Individuals were not prepared as persons flocked to stores to purchase candles and batteries as it became evident that the blackout could last for several.
What can you do to prepare for the future?
Persons can do many things to increase their preparedness for emergencies, the following are three basic steps that cover most situations.
1. Make a Kit – suggested items for a basic emergency supply kit:
- Have at least three days of water supply (one gallon of water per person per day, for drinking and hygiene)
- At least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
- Battery-powered or hand crank radio and extra batteries
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- First aid kit
- Cell phone and chargers
2. Plan
Before any emergency occurs, make a plan. Sit down as a family and build a communications plan.
Make sure everyone has each other’s phone numbers and has numbers for other family or friends nearby who can help relay information.
Also agree on a safe location you can all meet at if you are unable to return immediately. A friend, family member or local landmark (church, school, etc.)
Make sure everyone has a copy and keep a copy in your emergency supply kit as well. Remember to check the plan periodically to make sure it is always up to date.
3. Be Informed
There are important distinctions between potential emergencies that can impact the decisions you make and the actions you take. Learn more about the potential emergencies, threats and risks that could happen and impact you.